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Why choose us

Find more details below about the advantageous working and salary conditions offered by BREATH.

The Breath fellow will benefit from :

  • A competitive salary: €2,550/month gross + €400 net for mobility allowance (significantly higher than the French standard of €2,100/month gross).
  • Coverage of secondment expenses and international networking activities, including participation in conferences, through a dedicated travel allowance.
  • Funding for research-related expenses, including consumables, equipment, and dissemination costs (e.g., Open Access publications, posters).
  • A family allowance, depending on personal circumstances
  • Access to our Language Centers to improve French language skills
  • Full social benefits including public health care, parental leave
  • The right to paid annual and sick leave


Co-funded by the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101179396.

